This is an absolutely terrible situation to be in. You originally had a financial emergency, took care of that, and one week to a month later, "I can't pay my payday loans back!". Sadly this happens much more often than most believe.
As soon as you realize you won't be able to pay you'll need to contact the company and try to talk to them about a possible payment plan. Explain your situation to them and if they're not helpful ask to speak to a manger and try with them. Make it clear that you do want to pay them and get out of this mess, but your finances didn't turn out as you were hoping.
\" Payday Loans\"
Typically, because they have a lot of delinquent accounts and other reasons, these companies will often not report you to the normal credit agencies. They'll report you on teletrack, a system used largely by other payday lenders, and will be very aggressive in calling you multiple times at home and work.
No matter what they say, this is considered a civil matter, so while they can sue you, you will not be arrested.
Every state has different rules for payday loans. In some states they are required to set up payment with you. You'll want to become familiar with your state's rules.
For this reason and for help setting up your financial plan from here, you'll want to immediately contact a financial counselor. There are many non profit credit counseling agencies that can help you safely get out of debt.
If you have multiple payday loans they may advice you to look into debt consolidation loans to make the debt more manageable.
Depending on your particular situation you may also consider getting another job, probably short term. You can check local classifieds for things like cleaning offices on weekends of mowing lawns. If you have made any recent large purchases you could still return for the cash I would look into that as well.
Most importantly, get a credit counselor and do not take any major actions until you do especially obtaining another payday loan. You don't ever want to be realizing "I can't pay back my payday loans!" again.
I Can't Pay My Payday Loans Back
For more information on payday loans visit Same Day Payday Loans, or for information on top debt consolidation loans visit Unsecured Debt Consolidation Loans